personal_health__wellness_project_template.pptx |
This is an opportunity to improve your mark while creating a resume & cover letter that is usable in the work force. Make sure that people proof read your resume & cover letter as the more people that read through your work the better.
Also I will not except any resume or cover letters after the due date. If you have any problems with completing your resume & cover letter by the deadline you must talk with me prior to the due date to arrange alternative arrangements.
This Project is worth 15% of your total mark. Please complete the project electronically and e-mail the project to me saved with the title: YOUR NAME Focus Area Project_ DATE
Websites for assignment: type in user name: newwest type in the password: career click on Site ID Type in site ID: 0000164 Type in password: dineslog Please go to Chatter High to sign-up to learn about Post-Secondary Opportunities and Careers for our guest on October the 27. Go To: Click on: SIGN UP at the top of the page Fill out the fields (you do not have to use personal information, but you need to use New Westminster Secondary School and your proper e-mail as there is an opportunity to win prizes and money for the school) If you need help you can watch this short video:
Here is the class "Self Employability Skills" rubric for reference. Worth 20% of Planning 10 mark.10/17/2014
Sorry I can not be there today, but I had to make a last minute doctor appointment because of a minor car accident on the weekend. Make sure that you continue to work on your resumes and have them proof read. Then you can find jobs and fill out an application form. After, make sure you move on to personalizing a cover letter to one of the jobs you found. Have a good day!